Listing Information on

Four great options to fit literally any advertising budget!


1Basic Upgrade
$25 per year

Add a logo or photo and a 50 word description of your services or products

2nd Category - FREE

We realize some businesses fall into more than one category. Your 50 word description may be customized for each category.

Additional Categories

for 3 or more categories a minimal charge of $10 each will be assessed.

2Banner Upgrade
$55 per year

(Includes Basic Upgrade Features)

This feature inncludes a Banner ad at the top of the lising on the page. 450 X 125 Pixels

2nd Category - FREE

Banner ad must be the same ad. If it is different you will be charged for each ad.

Additional Categories

Banner Ads are limited to 2 categories

3Full Visibility Banner Small

(Includes Basic Upgrade Features)

This banner will display on the left side of multiple pages throughout the website giving ultimate number of views.

Available in 6 month or 1 year increments

6 months - $180.00

12 months - $330.00

Banner Size 250 X 250 pixels

Space is limited to 10 ads

4Full Visibility Banner Large

(Includes Basic Upgrade Features)

This banner will display in the top area of multiple pages throughout the website giving ultimate number of views.

Available in 6 month or 1 year increments

6 months - $240.00

12 months - $450.00

Banner Size 400 X 250 pixels

Space is limited to 2 ads


We look forward to partnering with your business!


Quick Links
Contact Us

PO Box 306, Leavenworth, WA 98826


Monday-Friday: 8-5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Return Policies

You may cancel your listing at any time. There is no refund for time remaining and your listing reverts back to the free version at the end of the paid period unless requested to be removed completely.

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